The Committee has been supporting the small community of Rooiberg in Limpopo Province, South Africa, since 1995. In 2006 they officially registered the Rooiberg Tirisano Project as an NGO. The aim of the project is to support the Rooiberg Itireleng Secondary School by way of finances, moral support and capacity building. Please check our blog regularly to keep up to date with our news and activities.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Another donation that is helping so much.

Thank you Nexus Resourcing for assisting the children of Rooiberg.

Simone hard at work

Read her exciting goals.Great excitement in the school.

My plan for the next few months at Itireleng Secondary School:

· I’ll coach every teacher and the principal in how to teach and how to run a school.
· First I want to have a meeting with all the teachers together and discuss what the points of improvement are at school. We have to set goals for the school and for maintenance I’d like Ally to lead this. I will support him in this.
· I also want a meeting with every single teacher to discuss their points good points and points of improvement. Together we will set up an assessment to improve their teaching with short-term goals and some long-term goals.
· Together with Peter Spence I want a meeting with Ally to talk to him about leadership, teaching, organisation, etc. Peter has a lot of experience with running businesses and can teach Ally about this.

o Set a date for a teachers meeting in week 18.
o Set a date for a meeting with Ally and Peter in week 19.
o Make plans with every single teacher. Finish this in week 19.
o Start coaching in week 20, and, if possible for some teachers, in week 19.
o Visit a class of every teacher twice a week.
o Have meetings with the teachers at least once a week about their improvement in reaching their personal goals.

Tuck Shop
· A Tuck Shop is a little shop where learners can buy food and sweets during break.
· Now the teachers don’t really have the time to run the Tuck Shop, because the break is very short and the teachers have to eat themselves.
· I would like to run the Tuck Shop every break and also feed the kids who eat the e’pap from the Tuck Shop.
· I would like to open the Tuck Shop during break and after school. Especially after school I need someone to help me, because I will have to teach computer lessons at Thabakibidu.
· The Tuck Shop already has a perfect location in the school. I would like to do some upgrading; for example a counter, proper boxes for the sweets, bowls/plates and spoons for the e’pap, etc.
· The prices of the sweets and food won’t be too high, so that everyone will be able to pay for it, but it will be enough to raise some funds.
· The money raised in the Tuck Shop will be used to maintain the Tuck Shop and for other projects in the school.

Computer lessons:
· I will keep on teaching computer lessons the way I did this the first two months: every day after school at two o’clock one class will go with me to Thabakibidu for their lessons.
· Itireleng agreed to pay R100 a month for the maintenance of the computers and the use of electricity.
· The learners often work two by two or three by three, because we don’t have enough working computers. I want to make a plan to make them all work again.
· I have to make a plan with the learners; not all of them show up at computer class and sometimes the whole group stays away. I have to find out who still wants to have the lessons and set a date for those learners.
· The school needs a lot of funds to build and maintain projects and to keep feeding the learners. The projects are:
o E’pap: about 40 learners eat e’pap every day. This costs about R66 (€6,60) per child per month. So in total this is R2640/€ 264 per month. The Rooiberg Tirisano Project (RTP) is donated R1200 every month for e’pap.
o E’pap: the learners now eat straight from the bags the e’pap is in. They need plates or bowls and spoons to eat with. This also needs to be washed every day. We need money to buy bowls/plates, spoons and dish wash equipment or someone to donate this to the school.
o Tuck shop: Everyday learners are able to buy food and sweets at the Tuck Shop. We need money to really make the Tuck Shop a little shop; a counter, proper boxer for the sweets and a board with the costs on it.
o Library: a while ago the building for the library was finished. Now it’s only an empty room. We still need books (reading books and informative books), shelves and someone to teach us a good system to run and maintain the library.
o Maintenance of the computers at Itireleng and Thabakibidu. Now Itireleng pays Thabakibidu R100 a month. We have about 25 computers at Thabakibidu and 17 computers work, but not even properly. We need money to have someone to come over to fix all the computers and to maintain this every few months.
o The teachers are struggling with the rental photocopier. They are allowed to make only 1000 free copies a month, which means 125 copies per teacher. It often happens that the departments sends a test and that the teachers have to make the copies themselves. It would be better if the department would sent more copies, but they don’t. The teacher have to cross the line of 1000 copies a month, but they have to pay a lot of money for that.

Go for it girl. We are behind you!!